a small image of a black planet with a ring around it.

°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° links!

NOTE: I'd like to be part of a positive, inclusive, and respectful environment online. As such, I request that you do NOT link to my site if you promote or feature any ideas/content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic.

Also, while I believe all the content on my site is safe and appropriate for all ages, as someone in my 30s, I feel most comfortable when my online interactions are with other adults. So! If you're under 18, you're certainly welcome to explore and enjoy my site, but please refrain from interacting with me directly. I sincerely appreciate your understanding!

If you'd like to link to my page, here are my buttons!

(( static ))
a button for MOONPR1SM's website

(( animated ))

an animated button for MOONPR1SM's website
☆*:.。. buttons, baby! .。.:*☆